Diagnosing Diverticulitis

When diagnosing diverticulitis, the first thing that doctors usually do is carry out a blood test followed by other tests such as CT scans, X-rays and even ultrasounds.

Full Blood Count

The full blood count can tell doctors a lot about your current health. The number of red blood cells can tell doctors if you’re anaemic and perhaps losing blood. But one of the most important markers in a blood test when trying to check for diverticulitis is the white blood cell count.

White blood cells are a part of the immune system and are responsible for fighting diseases and illnesses. When a pathogen (harmful bacteria or virus) enters the body, it is identified by the immune system which then increases the number of white blood cells. An amount of white blood cells higher than the normal range could be considered to be a sign of infection. However, it is possible to have diverticulitis but not have a measurable increase in white blood cells. So a normal blood result doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t have an infection or inflammation in the bowel.

CRP (C-Reative Protein)

CRP is known as an inflammation marker – it is a protein released by human tissues when they are inflamed. The higher the amount of CRP in the blood, the more inflammation there is. Having elevated CRP in addition to abdominal pain and other symptoms is a good indicator of diverticulitis. However, your doctor should also check carry out an abdominal examination too just in case the inflammation is coming from somewhere else.

An abdominal exam can help doctors find out if there is anything strange going on…

Abdominal Examination

It’s likely your doctor may carry our an abdominal examination. This is where the doctor will press on your abdomen to discover where the pain originates and if it is the bowel that is inflamed. It’s important to be very honest about the pain you are feeling at this point so that the doctor can rules out any other issues or sources of inflammation.

CT scanner…in you go!

CT scan

This is usually the most effective way to diagnose diverticulitis. A CT scan can be done with or without contrast, but contrast certainly helps when interpreting the results. The two main types of contrast are oral and intravenous (IV). The oral contrast is often a liquid mixed with water that you drink before the scan. It helps to highlight the digestive tract on your scan. The IV contrast is injected into a vein and reaches the tissues and helps them show up better on the scan. Some hospitals may choose to have their patients take both types of contrast. However, it is important than you let the doctor know of any allergies you have before you receive any contrast agents.

A CT scan is painless and just requires the patient to hold their breath for short periods. Let the technician or doctor performing the scan know if you suffer from asthma or COPD or any problem that makes you find it difficult to hold your breath.

After the scan, your results will not be ready immediately since they will need to be looked at by a doctor and a thorough report written. See my post on CT scans for more information.


Some doctors may choose to send their patients for X-rays. This is to check for perforations in the bowel since X-rays can easily pick up excess gas in the abdomen that may be leaking out from the bowel. The results of an X-ray are much more immediate which is why this test might be chosen particularly if the patient is in a lot of pain or has a history of perforations and sepsis.


Again, some doctors may want to send their patients for an ultrasound. This is very common during first time diagnoses when patients are doctors don’t know that the patient even has diverticular disease yet. An ultrasound may also show an abscess or cyst as a result of diverticulitis. It may also be able to detect excess air of material in the abdomen. However, it is not as clear as a CT scan, but the results are more immediate.

Why don’t doctors use colonoscopies to diagnose diverticulitis?

It’s very rare that a doctor would use a colonoscopy to diagnose diverticulitis because while a patient has an infection, it would be very painful and a little dangerous to insert an endoscope. There is a chance that the colonoscopy during an infection could make it even worse or could even cause damage to the colon.

Have you been diagnosed with diverticulitis? Which methods did the doctors use to diagnose you?

How to deal with a diverticulitis flare up

If you’ve got diverticular disease (DD)/Diverticulosis, you may be unlucky enough to experience diverticulitis. Don’t know the difference? Check out my post on Diverticular Disease/Diverticulosis Vs Diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is an inflammation or infection of one or more of the diverticula (pouches) in your bowel. Diverticulitis can vary in severity and can go from being a mild flare up, to an infection so severe that it can carry life-threatening complications. So, what can you do if you suspect you may be getting a flare up?

For a start, symptoms of a flare up can include:

  • abdominal pain/discomfort
  • high temperature/fever
  • painful bowel movements
  • generally feeling poorly (nausea, headache, stomachache)
  • diarrhoea/constipation
  • loss of appetite
  • Change to stools (excessive mucus, blood, huge change is regularity or stool type)

If you are experiencing some of the symptoms above, it’s a good idea to prepare for a flare up by doing the following things:


  • drink lots of water – 2-3 litres a day will help flush your system and keep you hydrated. It may also help relieve constipation.
  • Try a clear liquid diet – eliminating solid foods and dairy from your diet for a day is the best way to rest the bowel and give time for the inflammation to go down on its own.
  • Keep track of your temperature – on a notepad, note down your temperature every couple of hours so you can monitor any changes. Please note that diverticulitis does NOT always cause high temperature/fever.
  • Rest – Take time to relax and rest as well as removing yourself as best you can from stressful situations. Sometimes a duvet day and a few extra hours sleep can help the body heal.
  • Listen to your body – Remember that our body usually knows what is best for it. For example, if you’re tired and want to sleep, do it. If you have no appetite, don’t eat just because it’s dinner time and someone has said you ‘should eat something’.
  • Take paracetamol-based pain killers to relieve the pain if necessary. This include brands such as Panadol in the UK or Tylenol in the US.
  • Track your day using a Diverticular Disease tracker.
  • Seek advice from a medical professional – If you are in a lot of pain, have a very high temperature or feel very unwell, it’s a good idea to seek medical advice from a professional. This may include booking an appointment with your GP/PCP, Gastroenterologist/GI doctor or even visiting the local A&E/ER.

If you suspect you may be experiencing a flare up, there are a few things you should avoid doing in order to not make things worse.


  • eat high-fibre foods – If you suspect a flare up, it’s best to go for a clear liquid diet, but if you want to try solid food, you should stick to low-fibre/low residue foods such as white bread, chicken breast, white pasta or rice.
  • Take NSAIDs without approval from a medical professional – NSAIDs are not recommended for people with diverticular disease because they can increase the chance of bleeding from the diverticula or increase the risk of perforation.
  • Take Codeine-based painkillers without approval from a medical professional – codeine is known for causing constipation and so can worsen the infection if stools are not passed through the bowel.
  • Eat large portions – if you decide to eat, stick to small portions that won’t overwhelm the system.
  • Take anti-diarrhoea medication without approval from a medical professional – stopping diarrhoea can be a bad thing since you may be keeping infected waste inside your bowel and allowing the infection to become more severe.

These tips and tricks may be able to help you rest the bowel before medical treatment is required. However, if your symptoms become worse or do not subside, it’s important to seek advice from a medical professional.

If it turns out antibiotics are required, there are a number of things you could be prescribed. For example, common antibiotics include: Ciproxin, Flagyl (metro), Co-amoxiclav, Augmentin and several others. However, Ciproxin and Flagyl are the ones most suitable for those with a penicillin allergy. Please note that some of these antibiotics have some significant side-effects and you should make yourself aware of these by reading the leaflet or discussing it with your doctor before you take them.

In a more severe situation, you may even be admitted to hospital to receive treatment for diverticulitis. Here, they will usually give you antibiotics, fluids and pain relief intravenously. You can read about what I like to pack in my hospital bag here.

What symptoms do you experience before a flare up? Have you managed to treat a flare up without antibiotics? How did you do it?

Support the author and buy her a coffee by making a donation here: paypal.me/haylaki

Diverticular Disease/ Diverticulosis Vs Diverticulitis

Is there a difference between diverticular disease/ diverticulosis and diverticulitis?

Yes, quite an important one, too and here’s what it is…


The condition of having diverticula or ‘pouches’ along the wall of the large intestine.

This disease is thought by most medical professionals to be symptom-free. However, lots of Diverticular disease (DD)/Diverticulosis sufferers will tell you differently. The truth, really is that it’s not a condition that is very well known and the symptoms of it appear difficult to record and monitor since they vary so much from person to person and can be confused with other digestive tract problems such as IBS.

Generally, it is thought that those who have a diet lacking in fibre or who live an unhealthy lifestyle are more likely to develop diverticula in their bowel over time. However, there are suggestions involving a genetic predisposition to develop them, too.


When one or more diverticula becomes infected and/or inflamed.

A lot of medical terms or parts of them come from either Greek or latin origins and diverticulitis is an example of this. The –itis suffix comes from greek and means inflammation or infection. We see this with lots of other words too, for example, tonsillitis, arthritis, etc.

Diverticulitis is an infection or inflammation of one or more diverticula in the bowel. The reason for diverticulitis is not well understood, but it is thought that living a healthy lifestyle and keeping stress to a minimum can reduce the likelihood of it taking place. However, there is no guaranteed magical fix-it that will work to keep you free of infection. It is often detected by the use of blood tests and CT scans. However, some doctors use X-rays as a fast way to check for perforations of the bowel, too.

Diverticulitis can vary from being mild to severe with complications. For the very mildest episodes a clear liquid and low residue diet will help you get through. However, for other cases antibiotics may be required or even in some cases hospitalisation and even surgery.

It’s worth mentioning that the overwhelming majority of those with diverticular disease/diverticulosis never get diverticulitis! And, out of those who do get it, only a few get repeated episodes and/or surgery.

So, remember, the diverticular disease/diverticulosis is the presence of diverticula or pouches in the intestine whereas diverticulitis is an infection or inflammation of one or more diverticula. It’s important to know whether a diagnosis of diverticular disease/diverticulosis or diverticulitis is given to know how best to deal with it is.  

Do you have Diverticular Disease/Diverticulosis? Have you ever had diverticulitis?

Preparing for a colonoscopy

So, you’re going for a colonoscopy…don’t worry. It’s not as bad as you might think! A lot of people say that the preparation is worse than the procedure, so let’s look at how we can make it as smooth a ride as possible.

Two days before the colonoscopy

Reduce the amount of fibre in your diet and adopt a low residue/low fibre diet. Cut out fruit and vegetables and eat plain foods such as chicken without a sauce, white rice, white bread, and clear soups. This makes the preparation much easier on your body. Also eat lightly, try not to eat too much, have small portions and drink lots of water. You may feel quite hungry, but, this will certainly reduce the amount of toilet trips when you take your preparation agent.

Preparation dayOn the day before the colonoscopy

I prefer to book a morning appointment for my colonoscopy and not eat anything on the day before my colonoscopy. However, if you have booked a later afternoon or evening appointment, your doctor should give you a schedule for when to take your preparation agent and stop eating and stick to a clear liquid diet.

NOTE: You MUST tell the colonoscopy team or your doctor before doing the preparation if you are diabetic.

When I had my colonoscopy, my doctor gave me Citrafleet to use. It was in two sachets each of which were to be mixed in one glass of water. The Citrafleet tasted like lemon and was definitely fine to drink without too much trouble.

The preparation agent my doctor prescribed for me.

Some doctors give their patients different preparation agents, these can come in large bottles, sachets and some are difficult to drink. Tips for making these drinks more palatable include: keeping it cool, using a straw, adding a flavour or chasing it with a clear drink you enjoy.

REMEMBER: Avoid eating or drinking anything that is red, pink or purple in colour. This can stain the lining of the bowel and can affect the results of the colonoscopy.

Prep day kit!

  • prep agent
  • drinks – I had green tea, water, iced tea, Sprite
  • Vaseline
  • baby wipes
  • A show or set of movies that you know well and love to watch.
  • Someone to hang out with
  • hobby (crochet, reading, etc)
  • paint your nails, do a face mask, do your hair, etc.

The urge to go can be sudden and come from nowhere…be ready to spring up and run to the bathroom! Be careful of cables, yarn, being in a position or chair you find it difficult to get out of. Make sure your route to the bathroom remains clear. And that other family members or friends if possible can use a different bathroom if you’ve got your stuff set up in the most convenient one.

Ouch it burns!

Like with any time we get diarrhea, it can burn. So, to solve this, be proactive. Before you go for the first time, apply Vaseline or Sudocrem thickly. This will act as somewhat of a barrier and will protect your skin. Then after going to the bathroom, avoid wiping multiple times with toilet paper. If you suspect it is messy, consider using a bidet or using water to clean your bottom. Alternatively, I would recommend using baby wipes for sensitive skin. These can help you clean up without too much repeated wiping and are gentle on the skin. (the more you wipe over the same area, the more likely it is to become sore). When you’re clean, apply a new thick layer of Vaseline or Sudocrem ready to protect you the next time. This helped me so much!

NOTE: We love the environment so please don’t flush your baby wipes away. Of course it would be better not to use them at all, but it’s better to dispose of them in a bin rather than flushing them down the toilet where they can block drains or enter our waterways.

How do I know whether I’m empty and ready for the procedure?

In theory, by the end of the preparation, your bowel movements should be totally liquid, pretty much see-through and possibly yellow in colour.
If you are still passing loose stool with pieces in it or thick and not at all see-through, you should contact your doctor or a member of staff at the place where the colonoscopy is taking place.
Some places will do an enema if the bowel requires a little cleaning, but others would rather reschedule the colonoscopy and prescribe a different preparation agent.

Good luck for the procedure!

If you have any more questions about preparing for a colonoscopy, please ask them in the comments below and I’ll try to answer them or even add additional information to the blog post. How did your colonoscopy prep go and do you have any helpful tips?

Diverticular Disease Tracker

Keeping your food, symptom and stool diary

Keeping a diary isn’t always easy, but…it can come in very handy, especially if you are still learning to manage a health condition. If you are someone that already keeps a daily diary or journal, it may be easy to add this information in to your entries. However, if you’re not someone used to keeping a diary, then you can find other ways to do it, for example, you can use the downloadable attachment here, and complete that each day before filing it away, or you can create your own version that applies more specifically for you. Not only will this help you identify trigger foods or patterns in your symptoms but it could also be a great tool to help your doctors monitor and manage your health.


Be honest! Write what you really ate and drank….snacks, junk and alcohol included…you need to see the whole picture, exactly as it is.

Take it to doctor’s appointments with you even if you don’t need to use it. You never know when the info could come in handy.

If you have a bullet journal, you can get really creative with this. I’ve given you guys a free downloadable and printable version of what I use. Now, unfortunately you do need to print it to get the best use out of it. I would recommend filing them each day in a binder to keep a continuous diary. How much additional information you record is totally up to you. However women may benefit also by tracking their menstrual cycle, too.

DD Tracker Printable

I’ve put together a little Diverticular Disease/Diverticulosis Tracker. You can use this to monitor what you eat, how you feel and even keep tabs on your bowel movements. I hope this proves to be helpful. The file even has it’s very own instructions that show you exactly how to use it. Just click on the download button below for FREE and you can print it out right away.
Support the creator and buy her a coffee by making a donation here: paypal.me/haylaki

Food Diary: The food sections allow space for you to write about what you ate and drank for the day.

Water Intake: You can cross out or tick the glass of water to show how much you drink each day.

Bowel Movements: The stool section provides boxes for you to keep a record of your bowel movements. There is space to write a time and or comment and a number that corresponds to the Bristol stool chart.

Symptoms/other notes: here you can mention any other feelings or symptoms you experience even if you feel they aren’t relevant. For example, headache, joint pain, nausea, delicate mood, etc. or even record that you took pain medication or anything that you don’t usually take. In addition, you could note anything else there you wish.

Medication: It’s always worth making a note of any medication you had to take, whether it seems related or not. But taking medication such as painkillers or antacids is a good way to keep a record of how often your symptoms bother you enough to reach for the medicine cupboard.

Tracker Previews

Preview of the DD Tracker
Instuctions and examples

Let me know what you think and even share with me what you record in your diary to help you…do you do anything differently?