How to enjoy Thanksgiving with a digestive disorder

It’s that time of the year again when you gather with friends and family to celebrate thanksgiving. Maybe you can’t wait to get stuck into your thanksgiving feast or perhaps the idea of it fills you with dread. Read our 7 tips for surviving Thanksgiving with a digestive disorder.

  1. Don’t over-eat! – Stick to small portions. Eating large portions puts you at risk of stomach ache, nausea, bloating, indigestion and cramps.
  2. Don’t eat too quickly – It may be the most delicious meal you’ll eat all year, but that’s all the more reason to savor each bite. Enjoy it! Take small bites and chew them well before swallowing. This will also help you to not over eat.
  3. Stay hydrated – you may be wanting to enjoy an extra large glass of wine with dinner or even rustle up an early egg nog, but remember, your body needs water to work at it’s best and keep you hydrated. Alcohol has a diuretic effect which means it causes your body to lose water. That’s why if you’re having an alcoholic drink this Thanksgiving, be sure to drink some extra water. Not to mention that a well hydrated bowel works better meaning a lower chance of constipation or of developing infections such as diverticulitis.
  4. If you get pain – switch to clear liquids only right away. It’s not worth taking chances. Pains are your body’s way of warning you that something isn’t right. Let your bowel and stomach rest by not giving them any more food.
  5. Be prepared – Make sure you are stocked up on any medicines or products you use to ease your digestive disorder or the symptoms it causes. You don’t want to have to rush out on Thanksgiving to find somewhere to find your favourite antacid. If you’re dining at someone else’s place, take everything you need to feel comfortable. You can even make yourself a little emergency pack with some essentials: For example; any medications you usually take for your stomach e.g. for reflux, cramps etc., painkillers, wet wipes, spare underwear if needed, etc.
  6. Avoid very fatty or rich foods – don’t go overboard with your helping of mac n cheese or your dollop of cream on your slice of pie. Also, go easy on the candied yams and glazed carrots. These foods can cause indigestion, acid reflux, nausea, IBS symptoms, diarrhea and problems if you have gallstones or have had your gallbladder removed. You can reduce fat in your meal by taking the skin off your turkey and only eating the light meat. Another idea is to only use a small amount of gravy on your food.
  7. Keep it simple: – Only eat foods you know you are usually okay with. It may be tempting to fill up on candied yams, but will it be worth it tomorrow when you’re doubled over in pain or stuck in the bathroom all day? One suggestion is: A small plate with some roast turkey (light meat), some potatoes a little gravy and a small piece of cornbread. But remember, we are all different. What you can eat without a problem, may cause someone else a lot of pain and discomfort. You can choose foods that are safe for you and just eat a little amount. Remember: while green beans and sprouts may seem like a healthy addition to your meal, it’s best not to risk it if you haven’t eaten these foods recently or you’re recovering from diverticulitis, a flare up of IBS, Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.

By following this simple tips, you can avoid digestive problems and concentrate on celebrating with your loved ones. What are your plans for Thanksgiving this year and what do you plan to eat? Let me know in the comments.

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The Diverticular Disease and Diverticulitis UK Support Group on Facebook

Did you know that in the UK over 50% of people aged 50 and over have diverticular disease? In fact, it’s even more prevalent in the elderly with over 70% of those over the age of 80 suffering with the condition. So why is it that this condition is so common and yet there are a huge number of people who have never even heard of it?

Well, to begin with, in the overwhelming majority of cases, diverticular disease is asymptomatic meaning that it shows no symptoms at all. However, this means that an unlucky minority who suffer from complications of the condition such as frequent pain, episodes of diverticulitis and even the occurrence of perforations and abscesses may struggle to get adequate sympathy from their family and friends and even from their own doctor.

The standard advice in the UK upon diagnosing diverticular disease from a colonoscopy is to eat a diet high in fibre and stay hydrated. While not bad advice for many people, it certainly doesn’t suit everyone. There isn’t a ‘one size fits all solution’ unfortunately since the understanding of the condition even by the medical community is still somewhat limited. Sadly, this can make some sufferers feel alone which is partly why I felt the need to create this blog. But even more valuable than articles and blog posts is the advice and support of others who know exactly what you’re going through.

Remember that you are absolutely not alone while suffering with diverticular disease or diverticulitis and joining an online support group could provide you with the reassurance that you need when you’re feeling unwell or frightened.

If you’re a UK resident or you are a British expat living abroad, consider joining this group of over 4,500 members and a knowledgeable and supportive admin team. You can join by simply clicking the button below which will take you to the Diverticular Disease and Diverticulitis UK Support Group on Facebook. From there, you need to request to join the group and answer the entry questions which are in place to protect the group from spammers and bots.

I hope to see you there soon!

How to survive the festive season with a digestive disorder

The festive season is one full of rich foods, alcohol, late nights, parties and sometimes stress and anxiety. It can be a tough time of year for those of us with digestive disorders because it can really put a dampener on your Christmas spirit. Below, I’m sharing my top tips for not only surviving Christmas and New Year, but also how to enjoy it and feel as well as you possibly can!

Plan ahead

Christmas Organiser – Cath Kidston – £20

Making plans and notes can really help you prepare for the festive season. Decide where you’ll be on Christmas day, who is cooking and if you’ll have guests. Getting all of these details sorted early can help reduce stress and anxiety which will help you feel as well as you can. You can keep a notebook for Christmas, make a checklist or even buy yourself a Christmas planner. This way, you’re sure not to forget anything at the supermarket or when gift shopping for friends and family.

Get plenty of rest

Getting rest at such a busy time of year is very important. The more well-rested you are, the more you’re likely to enjoy the festive season. Staying up late every night and accepting every single invitation you get to go out may not do you any good in the end. Listen to your body, if it tells you it needs a night off, take one. It will definitely thank you for it the next day. Don’t be afraid to politely decline an invitation, or make the decision to leave earlier than others if you’re not feeling up to it. The host will be glad that you showed up, even if you take off after an hour!

Eat well

Now, we all like to indulge at Christmas, but just make sure that you know your limits and that you still get your recommended daily amounts of vitamins, minerals, water and fibre.

Have foods that you don’t eat regularly in small portions and still avoid those that make you feel unwell at other times of the year. You can always let someone know in advance to serve you up a smaller portion or leave out the sprouts if they are going to make you feel poorly. Remember, no one wants you to feel unwell and so will be more than happy to leave items off your plate as requested. If you feel uncomfortable mentioning it at the party or table, just send your host a message beforehand so that they are aware. Indulging in large amounts or rich foods and alcohol is a risk and should be avoided as much as possible. It’s far better to just have a tiny bit and savour (US: savor) it!

Follow the tips for good digestion

As with any other time of the year, use the tips for good digestion to help yourself stay well. They may sound a little over the top, but I can assure you that following them will help your body digest the food you eat as best you can.
1. Eat small portions – large portions are not wise and can often leave sufferers feeling bloated and uncomfortable. It’s much better to eat a small portion and grab a little more in a few hours if you’re feeling hungry again.
2. Eat slowly – Take your time to eat your food. Don’t rush it all down and risk gulping down air when you eat. You’ll enjoy it much better if you take your time and you’ll have less chance of stomach ache and bloating later.

A good-sized bite is the size of a 50p coin…but not this one on the screen. Having a 50p coin next to you when you eat so may help you not bite off more than you can chew!

3. Take small bites – Having a lot of food in your mouth is not only hugely unattractive, but it also isn’t good for digestion. One bite should be around the same size as a 50 pence piece (UK). Any bigger than that, and you’ll make it difficult for the enzymes in your saliva to help you break it down, meaning it’s much tougher on the stomach.

4. Chew, chew, chew – Chew your food…REALLY well. We are supposed to chew around 22 times with eat bite, but you may not need to chew that many times, but your food should be almost like a paste before you swallow it. The teeth help to break down the food into small pieces so that the enzymes in your saliva can start to digest it before you even swallow. This makes digestion SO much easier in the stomach and reduces your chances of digestive discomfort, nausea and cramping.

Carry an emergency kit

Since we are out and about so much during the festive period, it’t a good idea to put together a little kit to carry with you. You could fit it into your bag or the car. This kit will contain everything you need to help you if you have any problems while you’re out of the house. Now, the contents of this kit can vary and be adjusted depending on where you’re going and what symptoms you experience, but I’ve just included a few suggestions below.

1 Wet wipes/moist toilet tissue – you never know when you’re going to need to do some extra cleaning after using the bathroom and disposable wipes are perfect for when you’re not at home and can’t use a bidet or jump in the shower. REMEMBER: Do NOT flush disposable wipes down the toilet…even if they say that they’re flushable. It’s much better to dispose of them in a bin instead. Also, yes, disposable wipes are not very good for the environment and I wouldn’t recommend using them all the time, but as part of an emergency kit, I think they are perfect. You can pick up very small packs which are very hand for popping in your bag.

2. Scented toilet spray or drops – Whether it’s V.I.Poo or ‘Just one Drop’, scented toilet spray or drops can really mask a bad odour (US: odor) in the bathroom. Remember to read the instructions first as many products require you to use them BEFORE going to the bathroom. These are especially good when using a shared toilet or when you’re a guest in someone else’s home.

3. Spare underwear – Whether we like to admit it or not, lots of people with digestive disorders have accidents at some point. It may be that they stain their underwear after passing gas or that they struggle to make it to the bathroom in time. You may also want to carry a plastic zip-lock bag for any underwear that has been soiled and needs to be washed.

4. Medications – Make sure any of your medications are at hand. Perhaps you rely on Buscopan for cramping and pain, or maybe you use paracetamol. Remember NSAID painkillers such as Ibuprofen and aspirin are NOT usually recommended for people with digestive disorders. However, take your doctor’s advice for your specific case. Other medications may include antacids or Zantac (ranitidine) or similar medicines if you suffer from acid reflux or indigestion or Immodium (loperamide) if you suffer from diarrhoea (US: diarrhea). Although again, you should check with your doctor whether these medicines are recommended for you.

5. Soothing cream/ointment – If you suffer with a sore bottom because of diarrhoea or excess bile from gallbladder-related problems, you may wish to carry a tub of cream/ointment. Popular brand include Sudocrem or Vaseline. Remember, though, that these creams and ointments can stain your underwear or clothing because they tend to be quite oily/greasy and one solution is to wear a pantyliner or pad on the lining of your underwear to protect your clothing. Men can use these too, but they only really work well with mens’ Y-front style briefs rather than boxer shorts.

6. Nappy/sanitary bags – a few nappy/sanitary bags can help you dispose of soiled wipes or pads if you are using an open-top bin in the bathroom. They are often scented, too so can prevent soiled wipes from stinking up the bathroom if they end up sitting in the bin for some time.

7. A box of matches – if even despite using your odour blocking spray or drops, you’ve still caused a bit of a stink, you can use a couple of matches to burn away any unpleasant smells. Simply light a match and hold it while it burns down a little, then blow it out. You can repeat this with two or three matches if necessary. REMEMBER: Always extinguish your matches in water after use. You should use water to wet the matchsticks before disposing of them in the bin. Also, be careful when lighting matches in the bathroom to keep them away from fabrics and any flammable products such as aerosols and cleaning products.

5 Christmas gift ideas for people with digestive disorders

December has arrived and the shops are getting busier already. People are trying to find thoughful gifts for their family, friends, colleagues or even for a secret santa. But what types of gift can you get for someone with a digestive disorder such as IBS, Diverticular Disease, Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, gastritis or even gallbladder disease/gallstones? Read on for my top gift ideas this Christmas.

Heat pad/Hot water bottle

A lot of digestive disorders cause abdominal pain and discomfort which can often be soothed a little with a heat pad or hot water bottle. There are a huge variety of different products to choose from, for example, you can get electric heat pads, hot water bottles with all sorts of soft and novelty covers, or even a hot pack that you can heat up in the microwave. These are available in a huge variety of stores both in the high street or online.

The hot water bottle store (UK) has a variety of both hot water bottles and microwaveable products.

Sloth hot water bottle from Primark – £6

Primark also have some lovely hot water bottles this Christmas starting at just £4.

Reusable water bottle

Did you know that by the time you feel thirst, you are already dehydrated? Staying hydrated is hugely important for health and is extra important for those with digestive disorders. So, why not save the planet from a few more single-use plastic bottles and buy someone a reusable drinks bottle this Christmas? There are lots of different varieties to choose from; for example, you can get, aluminium (US: aluminum) bottles for those who avoid plastics, infuser bottles for those who aren’t a huge fan of drinking water and would like to add a little flavour (US: flavor)to it, bottles with flip up straws for easy sipping or even bottles that keep drinks cool or warm all day long.

Chilly’s water bottles are great for keeping a drink ice cold all day long. They cost around £25 each, but you can get them in some amazing designs and can even get them personalised (US: personalized).

You can pick up these bottles from pretty much anywhere, though. So have a good look around for something that suits your friend of family member best.

Hydration Devices

Again, hydration is SO important! So, if you know someone who finds it difficult to get in their 2-3 litres (US: liters) of water each day, or someone who enjoys gadgets, think about getting them a hydration device. These clever little devices can remind the user to have a drink throughout the day in order to meet their hydration goals. Some devices can even record how much you drank and how much is left before you meet your goal for the day. Here is an example of just two of these devices on the market, but I’m sure there are plenty more.

A pink Ulla device on a water bottle

Ulla device: This little device is small and cute. It’s available in a number of colours (US: colors) and designs but doesn’t monitor the amount you drink, just how often you drink. It is easy to attach to drinking bottles and will keep track of how often you are sipping from your bottle. These devices will set you back around 30 euros + shipping. However, if you are ordering multiple devices you will receive a discount and free shipping!

Example of a smart water hydration tracker

Smart water bottle: This genius water bottle is able to keep track of how often you drink and how much. It also encourages users to pace themselves throughout the day in order to meet their hydration goals. The bottle has a screen display which shows everything the user needs to know!

Food and symptom Diary

A food and symptom diary is a great gift for anyone who has a digestive disorder. Not only is it a good way for them to monitor their health, it is also an invaluable tool for their doctors. While there are numerous food and symptom diary printables and pdfs online, some people just prefer to have a physical book. You can get these diaries from various places. I found this particularly nice diary from The Food Diary Co. with lots of space to write all your details inside. However, it’s only available with a brown leather-look, vegan-friendly cover at the moment. I did find a couple on Amazon, too. But, you can look for one that suits your friend or family member’s preferences. You can make this an even better gift by adding some nice stationery to use alongside it!

Comfy Pyjamas and Clothing

As someone with multiple digestive disorders, let me tell you, pyjamas (US: pajamas) and comfy lounge-wear is always a great gift. People with digestive problems can often bloat up without any notice, so loose and comfortable clothing is really useful for these times. It’s great to be able to wear something that doesn’t hurt or dig into our tummy and is perfect for those days when we aren’t feeling well enough to leave the house. Lounge-wear and pyjamas are wonderful and you can get ones with great designs from pretty much anywhere (even your local supermarket). You could buy them some extra fluffy ones for the winter or even some novelty Christmas ones that they can put on immediately.

Men’s Christmas pyjamas from George @ ASDA – £10.33
Primark Christmas women’s pyjamas – £10

What did you think to my suggestions? Did you buy any of them for someone this Christmas?

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How to deal with acid reflux

Why do I get acid reflux?

Do you ever get a burning sensation in your throat or chest? If you do, it’s likely that you are suffering from acid reflux. People may also refer to acid reflux as ‘heartburn’ or ‘indigestion’.

So what is acid reflux? Well, in our stomach, there is a very strong acid. This acid is important for killing bad bacteria and for helping us to break down our food as a part of digestion. The stomach has a special lining to prevent this acid from damaging the walls of the stomach. However, if the acid happens to leave the stomach and move up the oesophagus (US: esophagus) then we may feel the acid burning in our throat or chest.

What are the symptoms of acid reflux?

There are a number of symptoms that people experience. For example, some people get a burning in their throat or chest, other get quite bad chest pains. Acid reflux can even wake us up in the night. In fact, a lot of sufferers find the symptoms of acid reflux worse when they lay down. Some people also experience nausea or a bitter taste in their mouth due to acid reflux

What are the causes of acid reflux?

There are many causes of acid reflux and so this list is not exhaustive, but here are a few of the most common causes.

Overindulgence – eating too much or food that is too rich in fat or sugar can cause acid reflux.

Poor eating habits – eating too large an amount, eating large bites without sufficient chewing, Eating too quickly, swallowing air while eating, eating too late at night. Find out more, here.

Too many antacids – taking too many antacids can make acid reflux even worse by over neutralizing stomach acid

Upset stomach – stomach bugs or eating something that doesn’t agree with us can cause reflux

Overproduction of acid – The overproduction of acid can mean that it travels up the oesophagus

Gastritis – inflammation of the stomach can mean that it produces excess acid or travels up the

Hiatus hernia – this may prevent food passing properly and can make it more difficult for acid to stay down in the stomach

Diseases of the digestive system – For reasons not always understood, bowel conditions such as Diverticular Disease and inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) such as Crohn’s and Ulcerative colitis can be linked to acid reflux.

Gallbladder problems or removal – Dysfunction or removal of the gallbladder can cause excess bile which can lead to acid reflux. If you have severe reflux immediately after gallbladder removal, speak with the surgeon.

IBS – Irritable bowel syndrome can affect the transit of food and cause cramping which may lead to acid reflux.

Stomach/Gastric ulcer – stomach ulcers can cause excess acid production

H. Pylori infection – A overgrowth of a bacteria called H. Pylori in the stomach can lead to poor digestion and acid reflux as a result.

Antibiotics/Certain medications – Antibiotics often kill both bad and good bacteria and so a lack of good bacteria that aid digestion can cause some acid reflux, also, some other medications may affect digestion or stomach acid production

Obesity – the excess pressure on the body caused by excess weight can make acid travel up into the oesophagus, causing reflux.

Gastroparesis/Delayed gastric emptying – acid reflux can occur when food stays in the stomach for too long.

Stress/Anxiety – digestion slows down when we experience stress and anxiety, because of this, food tends to stick around in the stomach a little longer and so we can experience acid reflux.

Bariatric surgery – weight loss surgeries can increase the chance of reflux due to the tiny size of the stomach pouch. If this happens, you need to speak with your surgeon to find a solution; this may include medication or further surgery.

How can I prevent acid reflux?

Good eating habits – adopting good eating habits will help prevent reflux. This means eating small meals, taking small bites, chewing well and eating slowly. It also involves not eating late at night. You can read my post on good digestion habits to find out more.

Avoiding acidic foods – fruit juices, tomatoes, citrus fruits, alcohol, vinegar, coffee are all acidic foods that we eat. Some people can stop their reflux by simple cutting down on acidic foods or removing them from their diet.

Avoiding trigger foods – Some people are triggered by different foods, common triggers may involve nuts, cheese, carbonated drinks, etc. By using a food and symptom diary to identify trigger foods, you can cut these out of your diet.

Avoid smoking and alcohol – smoking and drinking alcohol are both thought to increase the chance of acid reflux since they are both harsh on the stomach. Smoking can also increase the chances of stomach ulcers, so if you suffer with reflux, it’s a good idea to try to quit.

Avoid taking a lot of painkillers unless told to by your doctor – taking too many painkillers can lead to stomach ulcers and excess acid production

Make sure when taking medications to follow the instructions (such as taking with food) – taking medicine on an empty stomach can be bad for the stomach, so be sure to

Avoid stressful situations – Trying our best to not get too stressed out or anxious can help prevent acid reflux.

How can I treat acid reflux?

If this is just a one-off episode of acid reflux, you can take a simple over the counter medication such as an antacid. Branded examples include Gaviscon, Pepto-Bismol, Rennie and Zantac (ranitidine). Take the lowest recommended dose and give it some time to work. This is important because if you take too much of these medicines, they can actually make the reflux worse by causing your stomach to produce even more acid.

If you are experiencing reflux regularly, have a look at if there is something specific that you are eating or doing to cause it. For example, does it only happen after a glass of wine? Or perhaps it happens after you eat tomatoes or drink coffee… The best way to investigate this is to keep a food and symptom diary, you can download a tracker from here. If you do find a trigger, consider cutting this out of your diet.

Sometimes alcohol triggers acid reflux – in some cases it’s best to just avoid it completely…

If you can’t find a specific trigger but you’re a smoker, consider quitting smoking to see if it makes a difference.

Now, if the acid reflux is happens regularly and you are unable to find relief by changing your diets or habits, then it is time to visit your doctor. Be sure to tell the doctor about any other symptoms you are experiencing, for example, abdominal pains or cramps, a change in bowel habits, nausea or vomiting, excessive belching/burping or passing gas and any disruptions to your sleep. If you have been keeping a food and symptom diary, take this along to your appointment. It will really help the doctor to understand your symptoms and provide an accurate diagnosis.

Your doctor may prescribe you a medication to take regularly in order to reduce the amount of acid your stomach produces such as ppis (proton pump inhibitors) such as Omeprazole. However, it is important to find the cause of the reflux rather than only treating the symptoms. To diagnose problems, a doctor may suggest you take a breath test for H. Pylori (a bacteria that can survive in the stomach’s acidic conditions) or undergo an endoscopy/gastroscopy where a camera inserted into the stomach. This allows a doctor to identify problems such as ulcers or inflammation. They can also take tissue biopsies during the endoscopy to test for further problems.

Why you shouldn’t ignore acid reflux…

 If you get acid reflux regularly, it’s very important to not ignore it and make sure to get it treated because long-term acid reflux can cause bigger problems. For example, regular acid reflux can cause tooth decay/and tooth acid erosion. It can also cause stomach ulcers, and can even increase your risk of stomach and oesophageal (US: esophageal) cancer in the future.

Do you suffer with acid reflux? Do you have a trigger food or drink? How do you deal with it?

What is a low-residue diet?

People who have digestive conditions often find that their symptoms differ from day-to-day. Some days, they might feel okay and at other times, they may experience a ‘flare up’ of their condition. This happens with lots of digestive ailments such as IBS, diverticular disease, Crohn’s and other IBDs.

During these flare ups, lots of patients are advised to eat a low-residue diet. But what exactly is that? Well, it’s a diet that produces little waste in the bowel and can be mostly absorbed by the body. The foods that are low-residue tend to be low in fibre (US: fiber) since fibre cannot be absorbed by the body and so makes up the bulk of our stools.

Eating a low-residue diet allows our bowel to rest a little until we are feeling better. But, don’t worry, it’s not as restrictive as you might think. In fact, it’s definitely possible to enjoy your food while on a low-residue diet.

So, what foods are included in a low-residue diet?

Go ahead :

  • white refined grains such as white breads and white crackers
  • Cooked cereal such as cream of wheat or grits
  • Cold cereal such as puffed rice (Rice Krispies/Coco Pops/Ricicles), or corn flakes.
  • White pasta, white noodles, white rice, White rice noodles, etc.
  • Boiled/mashed/baked potatoes with no skins
  • Well cooked carrots, beetroot, mushrooms, spinach and pumpkin (no seeds)
  • canned/cooked fruits without seeds and skins such as applesauce, tinned pears/peaches, etc.
  • Soft cantaloupe or honeydew melon
  • White fish, chicken or turkey (no skin) and cooked without too much fat
  • Jelly (US: Jello)
  • Decaffeinated drinks
  • Fruit and vegetable juices without pulp

In moderation:

  • dairy such as milk, cream, ice cream, custard and butter (avoid these if you are lactose intolerant)
  • Meats such as lean beef and lean pork (opt for lean cuts or remove as much fat as possible before consumption)
  • Plain cakes and biscuits/cookies
  • Eggs
  • Avocado


  • Brown bread, grains, rice, pasta, noodles
  • Prune juice and juices with pulp
  • raw fruit and vegetables
  • beans, lentils and tofu
  • nuts and seeds
  • popcorn
  • sweetcorn/corn on the cob/cornbread
  • fatty or cured meats (prosciutto, lamb, duck, Serrano ham and other deli meats, bacon)
  • coconut
  • pickles, olives, dressings and burger relishes or chutneys
  • Jams (US: jelly)
  • Certain cooked vegetables, including peas, broccoli, winter squash, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, onions, cauliflower, baked beans

NOTE: A low residue diet is NOT a low FODMAP diet. These are different things. Some people get confused between the two. For now, I haven’t written a post on a FODMAPs, but when I do, I’ll link it right here.

Of course, as with any food guidelines, you may find that some of the foods on the ‘go ahead’ or ‘in moderation’ lists bother you and cause undesirable symptoms, if this happens, just simply cut it out of your diet.

It can be difficult to figure out which foods cause your problems.

Having trouble figuring out which foods are causing you issues? Use my Diverticular Disease Tracker to monitor your food intake and any symptoms you get (You don’t need to have diverticular disease to find this document useful). You may also need to introduce new foods gradually and one at a time. Also, when you are over your flare up, it’s important to slowly increase your fibre intake otherwise you may cause yourself discomfort.

What does your poo say about you?

A lot of people don’t like to talk toilet, but it’s a natural function of the human body. We all need to eliminate waste from our body and are doing so all the time. For example, we eliminate carbon dioxide by breathing it out, we eliminate broken down proteins and excess water by producing urine, and finally, we eliminate unwanted food and fibre by producing solid faeces (stools/poo/poop).

So, why should we pay attention to the waste we produce?
Because it can tell us a lot about the current state of our health.

There are different characteristics we can look for to judge a healthy bowel movement. Of course, the ideal bowel movement would be easy to pass (without straining or pain) and would be soft but formed and brown in colour. However, for people with stomach problems, we can see a lot of different characteristics so keep reading to find out what your poo could be saying about you.

Where does it fit on the Bristol stool chart?

Ideally, you want a Type 4 stool, but a type 3 can happen frequently too.

If you find you are type 1 or 2, you need to read Coping with Constipation. if you have type 5 you may try adding a little extra fibre to your diet, for example with fresh fruit and vegetables or by switching your white bread, rice and pasta with brown alternatives. If however, your stools are type 6 or 7 regularly or over a period of time, you may wish to speak to doctor to figure out what the problem is. If you have type 7, you can look at my post about Dealing with Diarrhoea for tips.

What colour is it?

Stool is most often brown, but sometimes people find that it is other colours. This can be an indication that something isn’t right. So, look below and see if any of the following could be the problem. Please make sure to record any out of character bowel movements and mention it to your doctor.

Are there any of the following?

Now, you’ve looked at the type and the colour. What about anything not mentioned so far?

Undigested food – Sometimes we see pieces of undigested food in our stool. One good example of this is corn. It may appear undigested because it has an outer coating of cellulose. A substance that humans can’t break down easily. Because of this some foods, especially plant-based foods that contain cellulose may appear undigested in our stools. If this happens from time-to-time, it’s no cause for concern. However, if you are finding that a lot of your food is being passed through undigested, it’s worth mentioning to your doctor.

Red blood – seeing a little blood in the stool could be due to various reasons, perhaps haemorrhoids, or a damaged anus. Or it could be bleeding from the lower digestive tract. If this hasn’t happened before, or is a lot of blood or is happening on a regular basis, see a doctor to get checked out.

Mucus – our stool always has mucus in or on it, but often it’s such a small amount that it isn’t visible to us. However, if your bowel movement is accompanied by mucus, it could be a sign of constipation or of inflammation in the bowel. Mucus can vary in colour and appear clear, yellow or even white and can look stringy. Again, if this is happening on a regular basis, it’s important to discuss it with your doctor.

Remember if you have any change in bowel habits, report them to your doctor since they can be a sign of an underlying health issue. Don’t be embarrassed, doctors are trained to discuss bowel habits and reporting yours could change your life or even save your life!

Diverticular Disease/Diverticulosis – What can I eat?

This article is for people wanting to know about foods to eat if they have diverticular disease/diverticulosis NOT diverticulitis. If you aren’t sure what the difference is or what you have, click here to find out.

One of the most common questions people have when they are diagnosed with Diverticular disease (DD) /Diverticulosis is ‘What can I eat?’. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question. As an active member of various Facebook support groups, I see people all the time asking can I eat this or that. And the answer to the question is as follows.

There is no answer. Based on the latest medical research, there are no disallowed foods for diverticular disease/diverticulosis. This means, anything you ate before diagnosis, should be safe afterwards. Since you ate them just fine before you discovered the diverticula/pouches in the bowel. However, it is largely believed that eating a diet high in fibre is beneficial for those who have diverticular disease since it keeps the bowels moving and prevents stool causing the diverticula to become inflamed or infected. So perhaps upon discovering you have diverticular disease, you may choose to adopt a higher-fibre diet or a healthier one. This could include swapping white bread, rice and pasta for their healthier brown alternatives, eating more fresh fruit and veg or perhaps eating a high-fibre cereal for breakfast. However, there are cases where a high-fibre diet doesnt work out for various reasons and so, you may be advised to adopt a low-fibre diet instead.

Some doctors will advise their patients that they shouldn’t eat seeds, nuts, popcorn, sweetcorn, etc due to the chance of them being lodged in the diverticula/pouches. Although, current research shows this not to be the case. However, some people do have problems with these foods and if it makes you feel better to avoid them, then that’s fine, too.

A lot of discovering what you can eat, is about trial and error. Everyone is different. Many people with diverticular disease/diverticulosis also suffer with other digestive problems such as IBS that can cause symptoms in response to particular foods. So my advice is that if you are feeling unwell, you can try an elimination diet, or you can simply go day by day and keep track of your food intake by keeping a food diary. I’d recommend for those newly diagnosed especially, keeping track of your food and water intake, your symptoms and your bowel movements. You can do this easily using the Diverticular Disease/Diverticulosis Tracker which you can find here and download for free. It includes instructions for how to fill it out. You can even take your completed tracker pages to the doctor or nutritionist so that they can help you look at what foods may or may not work well with you and your needs.

Some advice I can give to ALL sufferers of Diverticular Disease/Divertiulosis is to drink LOTS of water. Two to three litres (4 – 6 pints/70-100 fl. oz) per day. This will help keep you hydrated, healthy and prevent constipation. Also chew your food well and avoid large portions. In fact, simply following my Tips for Good Digestion may help you avoid digestive discomfort.

Diverticular Disease/ Diverticulosis Vs Diverticulitis

Is there a difference between diverticular disease/ diverticulosis and diverticulitis?

Yes, quite an important one, too and here’s what it is…


The condition of having diverticula or ‘pouches’ along the wall of the large intestine.

This disease is thought by most medical professionals to be symptom-free. However, lots of Diverticular disease (DD)/Diverticulosis sufferers will tell you differently. The truth, really is that it’s not a condition that is very well known and the symptoms of it appear difficult to record and monitor since they vary so much from person to person and can be confused with other digestive tract problems such as IBS.

Generally, it is thought that those who have a diet lacking in fibre or who live an unhealthy lifestyle are more likely to develop diverticula in their bowel over time. However, there are suggestions involving a genetic predisposition to develop them, too.


When one or more diverticula becomes infected and/or inflamed.

A lot of medical terms or parts of them come from either Greek or latin origins and diverticulitis is an example of this. The –itis suffix comes from greek and means inflammation or infection. We see this with lots of other words too, for example, tonsillitis, arthritis, etc.

Diverticulitis is an infection or inflammation of one or more diverticula in the bowel. The reason for diverticulitis is not well understood, but it is thought that living a healthy lifestyle and keeping stress to a minimum can reduce the likelihood of it taking place. However, there is no guaranteed magical fix-it that will work to keep you free of infection. It is often detected by the use of blood tests and CT scans. However, some doctors use X-rays as a fast way to check for perforations of the bowel, too.

Diverticulitis can vary from being mild to severe with complications. For the very mildest episodes a clear liquid and low residue diet will help you get through. However, for other cases antibiotics may be required or even in some cases hospitalisation and even surgery.

It’s worth mentioning that the overwhelming majority of those with diverticular disease/diverticulosis never get diverticulitis! And, out of those who do get it, only a few get repeated episodes and/or surgery.

So, remember, the diverticular disease/diverticulosis is the presence of diverticula or pouches in the intestine whereas diverticulitis is an infection or inflammation of one or more diverticula. It’s important to know whether a diagnosis of diverticular disease/diverticulosis or diverticulitis is given to know how best to deal with it is.  

Do you have Diverticular Disease/Diverticulosis? Have you ever had diverticulitis?

Traveller’s tummy

Traveller’s tummy or ‘Holiday tummy’ is something lots of people experience when they go on holiday. Some people get diarrhoea and others find they become constipated or experience nausea. Now, I have blog posts that deal with all three of these issues, but wanted to make a specific post about how to deal with this while on holiday. Whether this is because of the nerves from the flight, new food or water, we can’t be sure. Whatever the cause of your holiday tummy, there are some steps you can take to make sure you’re prepared for every scenario and can kick back and enjoy yourself.

Symptoms of ‘Traveller’s tummy’ can include:

However, if any of these symptoms are severe or do not improve at all within a couple of days, you should seek professional medical advice. You may be able to ask a pharmacist, or speak with a doctor or visit a clinic or hospital if necessary. Remember to take your travel insurance documents and your ID with you when visiting health centres. This will avoid large medical bills.

Drink lots of bottled water

Yes it is more costly and can contribute to plastic waste, but it is definitely the safest bet for something with a sensitive stomach. I opt for bottled water even in regions where I’m assured the tap water is safe to drink. Even just a slight change in mineral content or fluoridation can upset a sensitive stomach and have you heading for the toilet more frequently than you would like. Just be sure to recycle your plastic bottles when you’re done!

Avoiding the local water can be difficult, remember that fruits and salads may be washed in tap water and that the ice cubes used in your drinks may be made from tap water. You can easily ask for drinks with no ice, or if the ice comes from bottled water. You may even wish to use bottled water, to brush your teeth!

Eat sensibly

While I’m sure there are lots of delicious foods to try on your holiday, being cautious while you are experiencing any diarrhoea or stomach problems is a good idea. You can stick to plain foods such as white bread or white rice. Avoid spices and heavily-flavoured foods while your stomach is still unsettled.

After a day or two, your stomach is likely to be a little better and you can be a little more adventurous when sampling the local culinary delights.

Anti-Diarrhoea medication

Anti-diarrhoea medication is very useful to take on holiday with you, but beware, it isn’t recommended for everyone. Those with a stomach bug, food poisoning and diverticular disease/diverticulosis should not take anti-diarrhoea medication unless instructed to by a medical professional. If you’re not sure whether you should be taking it, speak to your doctor or pharmacist before your trip.

Stool softeners

Should you get constipated and find it difficult to eliminate stool, you should try a stool softener. These are often taken in the evening so that they work overnight, meaning by the morning, you are able to have a bowel movement. Common stool softeners include lactulose, milk of magnesia and ;axatives such as Dulcolax or Senna.

However, if you don’t fancy trying medication, up your water and fibre (US: fiber) intake and try get some gentle exercise to get the bowel moving again. You can also eat prunes, figs, Weetabix, licorice and drink prune juice or black coffee. You can also read my post about constipation if you need more information.

Rehydration sachets

As I mentioned in my post about diarrhoea, re-hydration sachets can be extremely helpful when recovering from diarrhoea and re-hydrating your body. During this time, you should definitely avoid alcohol since that can cause further dehydration. This is especially important when visiting a destination with a hotter climate and swimming in the sea.

Have you experienced traveller’s tummy before? How did you deal with it?